More pics here. And videos here, here and here.
Nope, I’m not discussing the gig in details but instead, here are the things that happened on our way to Dayo Bar and some post mortem stuff:
1. Plan was for the couple that was celebrating their 6th monthsary to join a Greenbelt 5 dinner with Kristine, Mel and Julie. A conference call hindered that which also dragged me to stay for a little while and for Benjie to make it to the cut. Joey had to send Jen back to the apartment.
2. At 8pm-ish, Jaejay, Linel, Benjie and I were off to Greenbelt 1, specifically at Wendy’s. We had burgers and Jaejay almost finished Linel’s share. Mel, Kristine and Julie, still full they said, came along. Julie left after some photo-op.
3. On our way to Joey’s place to pick him up, we started calling Becca and Neo who were in Shangri-La Plaza. That was close to 9pm, I guess. Neo took a cab already, heading to High Street, I heard. We had to convince Becca to join us so we gave her a call wherein each passenger on Jaejay’s Batch Mobile had to plead.
4. We picked up Joey along JP Rizal at past 9pm while we were still on a call with Becca. Joey joined the fun and asked Becca, “Bakit ba nagpapatawag ka pa, ha?” Laughter.
5. The call lasted up to the part when we actually had Becca on Jaejay’s Batch Mobile. Off we went to locating Dayo Bar in allegedly Rosario Drive.
6. Mark and Kath, who cannot find the bar minutes before we reached Quezon City, gave up and left the area. Our story was slightly different. We looked for the place along Rosario Drive, which Becca found the area a little creepy. I have to agree as I always notice the place’s strange silence everytime I visit the Titus Brandsma Center at Acacia St.
7. Though we asked for a direction to some folks at Betty Go Belmonte, we found the bar accidentally. We turned right at Aurora Boulevard and made a left in one of the streets to go back to Betty Go Belmonte which is a one-way street on the other side. Before reaching back the MRT station, we found Dayo Bar on the left, right in front of a Dialysis Center.
8. Since we had a rough time finding the place, the girls looked tired already when we were about to get in. Things changed when Joel showed up to say “hi”. I remember Becca to be too enthusiastic with the entrance fee on that moment.
9. We (exclude Mel, Kristine, Linel and Jaejay) had some bottles of Red Horse, two plates of prawn cracker and another plate of cheese sticks. At least two or three bands performed before Chicosci.
10. While waiting for Joel’s flyback performance, we stormed the cozy area on the other side of the bar where some of the band members were chilling out. We spotted Joel with his iPod (?) on and made a stir by having some fan pictures. Quoting Mel, “Rock on!” And Becca, “Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaali ako d’yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!” from nowhere. Joey was the scene stealer though.
11. We had fun. Thanks to the bands, to Joel Salvador, of course, the noise and the not so unusual mix of Jaejay’s Batch Mobile passengers. We were daring Mel to explore the north by leaving her in the area. She declined, of course.
12. First stop was at Greenbelt 1 to pick up Mel’s car. We were chasing time to reach the parking lot as a 3am deadline was imposed. Mel finally got her car back and off we parted ways. Second stop was my place and Joey’s at JP Rizal corner Pililia. On our way there, along Makati Avenue heading to Mandaluyong and nearing JP Rizal, Joey, perhaps tipsy and sleepy, quipped innocently, “Kuya, kaliwa na tayo d’yan!” Again, laughter.
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